
How to Communicate Building Materials Price Increases

It’s the last thing customers want to hear. “Unfortunately, we have to increase the price of our product.” It’s true that price doesn’t have the power it used to. It’s…

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Raise Your Building Material Prices

If you are a building materials manufacturer, you should consider raising your prices.  I recently consulted with two different building materials companies and part of my recommendations were that they…

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Why Your Building Materials Cost Too Much?

Too many building materials conversion sales calls don’t result in an order.  Your success rate will always be lower than you’d like, but it can be much better. I am…

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Building Product Price Too High?  Change the Context.

One of the first questions, a builder asks is “How much more does it cost?”  The big box buyer frequently says, “Your price is too high.”  There are two solutions…

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What Building Material Companies Can Learn About Pricing from Herman Miller

The first question out of a builder, contractor or big box buyer’s mouth is usually “How much does it cost?”  Or simply, “Does it cost more?”   Most of the time,…

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