Socia Media

The Right Way to Use Social Media to Increase Building Materials Sales

Social media used to be considered an extra project. It was a cool way to interact with customers, but traditional marketing was the real deal. Today, social media marketing isn’t…

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SMART – Joey Peters From Mohawk

Joey Peters, Director of Pro Channel Marketing at Mohawk has always impressed me with the way he recognizes the contributions of others. I have followed Joey for several years on…

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Thought Leadership in Building Materials

If I Can Be a Thought Leader, So Can You or Your Company I was recently recognized by Michael Gass of the consulting firm Fuel Lines as an example of how…

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SMART – Loewen Windows

Loewen Windows is doing something smart. They are making regular posts on social media about their windows and doors and how they are made. This may seem like a small…

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SMART – Sunrise Windows Twitter

If you follow me at all you know that I am a big fan of social media and believe that most building materials companies are missing a real opportunity by…

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Best Social Media for Building Materials Sales

When I am hired to work with building materials companies they want me to help them find million dollar customers. The companies that work with me are in the business…

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