One of my client’s recently shared his big box line review success story with me.
He contacted me as soon as he learned about the review. We discussed his situation. He was in several hundred stores of this big box retailer. He thought things were going well, but he realized that he had
Three Possible Outcomes.
1. He kept the same number of stores.
2. He gained more stores.
3. He lost stores, maybe even all of them.
He Took My Advice and Followed These Steps.
1. We studied and researched the market and trends that could help the big box grow their category sales. He did this to the point that he believed that no one knew more about the category than he did.
2. He was very confident in his expertise and his ability to help the big box grow their sales.
3. We researched what the big box CEO had outlined as his issues, goals and plans to investors.
4. We developed new promotional ideas to show the buyer how he could grow his sales.
He did not go in with a presentation about why he was the best. He did not wait for the buyer to tell him what to do. He took charge of the meeting to show the buyer how to grow his overall sales.
Yes, he had facts and figures but he also crafted a great story, that just made sense.
The Results
The buyer spent more time with them than they expected.
They were awarded twice as many stores.
Even if you have 100% of a big boxes stores, if you want to keep them, you also need to follow my advice.
Your goal should simply be for the buyer to say, “No one cares as much about my success as your name here.”
If you’d like to learn more about successful big box line reviews click here.
Call me if you have an upcoming line review with Lowe’s or Home Depot and you’d like to give the best presentation you’ve ever given.
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Thanks for the following comments. I’d like to hear your feedback and suggestions on how to sell architects.
“Great advice! It should always be about the customer first, then you…and then bring it all together.”
Cheryl Whitten
Corporate Account Executive
The Dow Chemical Company