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How to Get Better Results Your Building Materials Ad Agency

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How to Get Better Results Your Building Materials Ad Agency

The other day, I received this email from a client. I didn’t ask for it – they just sent it . . . but I’m really glad they did!

This is a very demanding client who has high expectations for everyone who works with them. Taking a moment out of their busy schedule to send an email like this is very smart.

I like to think I give every client my best effort, but this simple email just raised the bar. Statements like “huge impact” and “we did the right thing and made the right choices thanks to you” set a higher standard for my next project with this client.

Expressing appreciation and recognizing my contributions also takes our relationship beyond a financial transaction and makes it a personal one. When this client engages me to solve another sales problem, this email made sure that they’ll get an even greater return on their investment.

How to Get More Sales Success

Some marketing expenses, like buying ads, producing samples, creating printed materials and trade show exhibit spaces, are a financial transaction. You may be able to negotiate a better price or get something extra, but you’re basically buying a product.

When you’re spending money on services and advice from a creative firm, you can get even better results by sending a simple email.

When a creative firm gets a new client, they do the same thing a building material company does – they talk about the dollar amount of the sale. I rarely hear them talk about it being an opportunity to do their best work or make a “huge impact” for their client.

No matter how good they are, the people doing creative work go to their desks each day to design another website, trade show exhibit or marketing program. That repetition gives them expertise. But it also means they can’t reach for the stars for every client.

Sometimes, it just takes a bit of recognition and appreciation for them to go the extra mile for you. Few people are showing that appreciation. Everyone’s so busy these days that almost nobody takes the time to do something as simple as sending an email after a project.

It also seems like a lot of people aren’t getting enough recognition and appreciation themselves, so they want to keep all the credit for themselves.

If you want to stand out, show your creative firms some appreciation for a job well done. Do it in writing. Saying it verbally is nice, but putting it in writing makes it real. It will be shared. It will be kept.

If you are one of the few clients who do this, you become a more important customer to your agencies and creative suppliers.

• Their best people will want to work on your projects
• They will dig deeper, work harder and push themselves further for you
• They won’t stop at “The client will approve this”

Think of it like getting a 10% increase in your marketing budget without spending a single dollar.

Sales People Can Also Use This

If you are a sales person, you can do the same thing with your marketing department. Sales people frequently don’t see how marketing is helping them. When your marketing department does something that works for you, let them know with an email.

Send That Email

Who could you email today to recognize something great they’ve done for you?

If no one comes to mind, you should probably be looking for new people to help you improve your sales and marketing.

If someone comes to mind, take a minute right now and send them an email.

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About The Author

I am the leading sales growth consultant in the building materials industry, I identify the blind spots that enable building materials companies to grow their sales and retain more customers.  As I am not an ad agency, my recommendations are focused on your sales growth and not my future income.

My mission is to help building materials companies be the preferred supplier of their customers and to turn those customers into their best salespeople. Contact me to discuss your situation.