Insights for Building Materials Companies

Be Committed to Selling Builders?

Why do builders feel like building product manufacturers really don’t care about their business?  Too many building product manufacturers come off like used car salesmen to builders.  Or the builder…

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The Biggest Mistake Building Material Companies Make

The biggest mistake building material suppliers make is selling to and not through their customers.  Sales success is prematurely celebrated when the order is placed.  The time to measure success…

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Too Little Innovation in Building Products

Building material manufacturers, like most manufacturers, focus on improving margins through economies of scale.  Most of them also try to improve their margins by reducing risk.  This short term thinking…

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7 Ways to Upgrade Home Builders

Getting a home builder to upgrade can be very challenging.  They have to be competitive within their price range with a set of standard features, such as granite counter tops. …

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Fat and Happy Customers Are Bad For You

When was the last time you thought about whether you are with the right dealers and contractors.  I’m talking about contractors who are large enough that you deal directly with…

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How to Make Trade Shows Pay Off

To get a better return on your trade show investment, set measurable objectives.  Don’t focus on the reaction from senior management.  That’s not an accurate measurement!  After all, you go…

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The Building Materials Sales and MarketingKnowledge Bank

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