
How to Recession-Proof Your Building Materials Business

Business leaders get nervous when they see a recession coming. Countless companies have gone out of business because of an economic downturn, and everyone worries about being next on the…

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How Building Materials Companies Make It Hard to Choose Their Product

One of the biggest mistakes building materials sales and marketing people make is not staying focused on their message. They tell the customer why they are a better choice once…

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The Biggest Disappointment from the Whizard Summit

I’ve watched building materials companies improve their marketing for a while now. I was proud of this progress. Finally, the industry I devoted my career to was catching up to…

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How To Reach More Customers With Your Sales Team

How many customers can you reach with your sales team? It’s probably more than you think. See, small and medium companies have small to medium-sized sales teams. Because of that,…

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How to Help Building Materials Customers Reduce Waste

One of the biggest challenges building materials companies face is getting customers to switch to their products. Unfortunately, there is a built-in resistance to change. Some of the time-consuming tasks…

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Why Building Materials Companies Ignore This Important Customer

Most building materials companies focus their sales and marketing efforts on a few types of customers. Typically, architects, builders and contractors. Those are key players in any construction project, but…

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