
Smaller Building Material Manufacturers Frequently Abused

When I deal with smaller building material manufacturers I find frequently find a creative firm has abused them.  When I say abused, I mean they spent a lot of money…

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The Need to be a Multi-lingual Building Material Marketer

To be an effective building material marketer, you need to be multi-lingual. I don’t mean you have to go out and buy a Rosetta Stone course to learn Mandarin. What…

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10 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Print

It continues to amaze me how behind the times the building material industry is compared to the rest of the business world when it comes to adopting new marketing practices. …

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5 Rules for Building Material Marketing Budgets

Here are five ways you can build a budget that will truly make a difference. 1. Start with a blank sheet of paper Most companies take the easy way out…

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How Influencers Can Affect Building Material Sales

The people in red on the infographic above are the influencers who can make or break you.  Sometimes they are obvious and sometimes they are hidden, they are always important….

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8 Most Common Mistakes Building Material Companies Make

In my 20 years of working with building material companies, I have consistently seen the same mistakes made over and over again.  Mistakes that limit their effectiveness, waste dollars and,…

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